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    *This website is designed to share what I've learned in my ALS experience in hopes it will help others. Please don't be overwhelmed. You don't need everything all at once; if at all. Do your research, ask questions and get your insurance in order. You are not alone! YOU can do this! Research and techniques are improving every day!

     If you work through the site you'll find coping techniques and important equipment information. They work(ed) for me. They may not work for you! But, I hope they do. Good luck!


Contact info for questions, comments or just to talk: 


You beat [ALS] by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live. Don't give up, don't ever give up! (Borrowed from Stuart Scott, ESPN)

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     My name is Ron Pelchat. I taught social studies at three schools in the North Country of New Hampshire for 30 years; retiring in 2011. I was diagnosed with ALS in August of 2009. I have progressed to having a tracheostomy with full-time ventilation and a feeding tube, and I've lost all muscle function except my face and neck.
     I consider myself a Lou Gehrig- one of the lucky ones. I've lasted six-plus years, have a wonderful support system, communicate fully with my speech generating device, and am somewhat independent with my power wheelchair; operated by a head array.
     I have four adult children, and five healthy grandchildren with twins on the way. My wife, who is my primary caregiver, and I have been married 31 years. I'm 58 years old, and hope to live a productive life as long as possible.
     My family and I face more tough choices in the near future. I hope we make them well, and wish you the same. May you be a lucky one too.


*DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. I have experienced and researched everything on these pages. ALWAYS CONSULT A PHYSICIAN BEFORE USING ANY ADVICE, TECHNIQUE OR EQUIPMENT OFFERED HERE!


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